May - one liner attendance

I was posted in Nephrology during the month of May.

 May 15 - Admitted a new ESRD case. Placed a central line and shifted him for hemodialysis immediately.
 May 16 - Rounds in CKD ward. Placed a central line along with a Gen Med collegue.
 May 17 - Sunday rounds and shifted few patients for hemodialysis
May 18 - Discussion in OPD with Nephrologist regarding Renal transplantation for one of our patients
May 19 - Evaluation of Renal Transplant recipient and donor
May 20 - Patient presented with Hyperkalemia and severe metabolic acidosis. Potassium correction followed by shifting the patient for hemodialysis and managing the case.
May 21 - OPD cases along with 2 casualty admissions. Review literature on Renal Transplant.
May 22 - Intubation of a patient with ESRD .
May 23 - Following CKD and dialysis ward rounds, management of patient on mechanical ventilator
May 24 - Managed a patient with pulmonary edema, Nitroglycerin drip was started
May 25 - Review literature on mechanical ventilator
May 26 - Managed patient on ventilator along with CKD ward rounds
May 27 - Managed hypotensive case put for hemodialysis, started Noradrenaline
May 28 - Management of old case presented late for her hemodialysis.
May 29 - New case admission and evaluation
May 30 - Managed ICU and nephro cases with ICU pg
May 31 - Sunday rounds and cases follow up

Casual leaves = 0
Medical Leaves = 0
